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Business Colleagues


Kendall & Kendrick understands that organizations must be culturally competent to succeed in today's marketplace. Organizations must have a clearly defined set of beliefs, principles, behaviors, attitudes, rules, and structures to function effectively across cultures. They must have the ability to


  • Self-assess

  • Recognize gender dynamics

  • Identify institutionalized cultural discrepancies

  • Drive cultural competency through diverse policies and structures


Our proprietary Culturally Progressive Leadership Framework (CPLF) was developed to provide a customized approach to each organization's goal—offering long-term solutions. 














CPLF provides leadership direction for building culturally responsive organizational practices, policies, and structures through

  • Leadership Cultural Assessment

  • Leading Cultural Deconstruct and Reconstruct

  • Leading Change Through the Lens of Diversity

  • Promoting a Culturally Responsible and Inclusive Environment

A woman sitting by her computer in a trading room


The Systemic DEI/Operations Framework offered exclusively by Kendall & Kendrick will assist organizational leaders by examining their current operating systems and directing the process of embedding DEI elements throughout the organization, not exclusively as a Human Resources (HR) function.













This customized, innovative approach requires comprehensive leadership collaboration from the following areas of the organization:

  • Executive Leadership

  • Human Resources

  • Finance

  • Sales

  • Marketing

  • Operations

  • Legal


DEI must be embedded not only within the company's operations but also in the core values, ethics, and culture.

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Creating diverse leadership pipelines is a challenge for many organizations because succession management procedures are prone to bias. To address this issue, Kendall & Kendrick incorporates inclusion-based, tactical interventions into its succession planning procedure. These interventions fight bias and expand the talent pool.

By educating executives about unconscious bias, separating the position of the successor from the incumbent, and using accountability to boost inclusion, Kendall & Kendrick integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion into its succession management process to create a pipeline of diverse leaders.


The Kendall & Kendrick Succession Planning Framework is designed to eliminate the two most common factors contributing to a lack of diversity in identifying potential leaders (social capital and bias).  The process associated with the framework identifies potential social capital and the decisions that can lead to overlooking highly qualified employees. 

The Kendall & Kendrick Succession Planning Framework includes eight comprehensive methods used to create, execute, evaluate, and monitor the program's effectiveness long-term.













A well-developed succession plan will reduce attrition, increase retention, and increase innovation and revenue due to diverse thought and collaboration. 



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Global DISC assessments are a vital tool at Kendall & Kendrick for assisting our clients in developing more productive working relationships.


Global DISC is an International Coaching Federation (ICF)-accredited, multi-award-winning assessment and coaching solution that uses individual and group mentality to unleash the potential within and between individuals. Personal preferences are measured using Global DISC, based on cultural orientation and personality type.


This assessment uses the terminology of the most extensively used behavioral model, Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness (DISC), to present the idea of cultural intelligence (ICQ). It explains what, how, and why people think and act in such disparate ways and how to harness their diversity to create synergy.​ Global DISC will assist you in determining where you need to "bridge the gap" to achieve successful business outcomes, whether you are working locally or worldwide. It is an excellent resource for global leaders, multi-cultural teams, and anyone who works with people from other countries or cultures.



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